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Can bettas become attached to another betta?


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I keep my boys in 10L tanks, two to a shelf. A couple of weeks ago, I lost one of my boys from “swollen tummy syndrome”. He had a mate in the next tank, a pretty black CT male who, although very active, often seemed to hang out on his mate’s side of the tank. Once his mate had gone to the big fishbowl in the sky, the black CT’s behaviour immediately changed. He started hanging out on the opposite side of his tank (maybe he couldn’t bear to look at the empty tank next door?), he became lethargic, and his appetite decreased. I moved another fish along side him as company, but he completely ignored the new fish. A week later, he stopped eating. I couldn’t see any obvious symptoms, and he didn’t respond to a general medication I added to his tank. He died last night. I can’t help but wonder if it was coincidence that his deterioration began immediately after he lost his buddy. Sue

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Possibly.....I've had a similar case.

This article of fish intelligence seems to support the idea that fish can recognise induviduals of the same species.


So I suppose it could be a form of seperation anxiety which made your fish deteriorate.

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Sorry for losing 2 bettas so soon Sue :blush: I have seen behavioral changes in bettas when it comes to there enviroment being changed. Might of been a comfort having another fish around, as if they have been kept alongside for some time. Some are just sookier then others. I would say yours got mopy, fallen ill due to a lowered immune system and gave up. Maybe we should change their names to Siamese Moping fish?

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