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What to do with runts from a spawn?


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Hi all You might know that I have a spawn of kribensis young at the moment. They are about 2.5-3 months old. The biggest one is now about 5cm long and most of them (+60%) are over 3.5cm. But there are still about 20 odd that are really small... like 1.5cm long and they just won't grow. They're all currently in a 100L grow out tank with some corys, a loach and a BN. As fry, I started off by feeding them frozen bbs, sinking pellets (crushed into a fine powder). They all grew evenly to about 1cm. Then I increased the coarseness of the crushed food a little and some of them started overtaking the rest in growth. Then I added frozen bloodworms to the menu and most of them started growing very quickly. The catch here is that only the bigger ones could eat the worms - thus increasing the size differences. I am still supplementing their diet with the crushed dry food and they all eat it, but the little ones just won't grow. I also feed sinking pellets and algae wafers for the other fish and the kribs eat that as well. At their current age, what should their average size be? Maybe I just have some fast growers that make the rest look like runts? I have thought about removing the runts and giving them their own grow out tank. What do you think? Nam

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If you have space and time, I would move them to another tank. The larger ones are probaly inhibiting th runts with the hormones fry release. Or you could do more water changes (Not a good idea for a serial flooder :whistling:) A LFS might even take the runts of your hands? You could try that. Or you could send them to me to finish raising :goodo:

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how generous of you to offer! hehe. but if you saw the size of them, you wouldn't want to pack and send the poor buggers. i checked my records and they spawned on 25th june so they must be well undersized. definitely going to seperate the little guys to give them a chance.

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