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Peppermint Catfish babies!


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AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today i found one, lonesome little baby peppermint hiding on the driftwood!


I have had this pair for, what, four or so months? Been trying hard to keep them happy- clean water, good water current, top quality algae wafers and zucchini (as well as brineshrimp pellets and carnivore sinking pellets occasionally).

This afternoon, i decided to do a big wc to attempt AGAIN to get them to mate.

As i was adding the water back in at the end, i noticed something. A TINY PEPPERMINT!!! No, i was not imagining things! It was teeeenny!!! Only one, obviously shouldnt be out of the cave yet but he was. Tiny little black and white sweetheart.

I am so happy. I was just debating two days ago whether i should sell the pair. As i wasnt having any luck breeding them and i thought i might be expecting miracles. Im not the best fish keeper around! lol

Anyhow, not meaning to boast or anything. Just happy and know you guys will understand my excitement.

Bubsy81 has already gotten a call asking her to "get me to breathe" lol :lol:


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