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Surprise at the office


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I've been working from home lately, and two of my colleagues have taken over looking after the 18" community tank I set up at the beginning of this year.

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It houses a runty silver molly, a similarly undersized wag platy, 3 pristella tetras, 4 neon tetras and a mystery snail called Steve.

Anyway, I had a call from my friend yesterday to say that, in the process of doing a water change, they discovered a 1 cm long baby pristella tetra :) It had obviously been lurking long enough to escape getting eaten, and somehow found enough to eat. I am so chuffed! :)

(I'm told he has been named Silver, in honour of International Talk Like A Pirate Day :lol: )

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They have a good sense of humour :lol: They must doing something right for the tetras to breed! wow, you could put those tetras in a summer tub this summer and hope they breed more for you! We want to see little Silver the Pirate tetra :)

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A snail called Steve hmm :drool:  :fish:


Well, Stanley or Sebastian would have just sounded silly! ;)

Actually, my back-up fish wrangler at work is Steve, so the snail was named in his honour. Steve (the snail) is a bit of a daredevil, heavily into extreme sports. He's a very classy sprinter and base-jumper, and has recently taken up jet flight (by wrapping himself around the bubble curtain, letting go and shooting to the surface :) )

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LOL Sue you should see this BN. He snipers the pepper cory... He hides in the top of the cave and when poor, unsuspecting, greedy pepper comes along, BN drops right onto his head. Then my tank resembles Monaco racetrack for about 5 minutes until Pepper calms down. Funny though that the BN is nowhere to be found (usually give him a donk on the head for being naughty)

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