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My Snail Is Mia


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I have two mystery snails in my goldfish tank, or rather I had two. This morning hubby found one on the floorabout two metres from the tank, it was tightly closed but seems to be ok. The other is missing and I can't find it! Normally the lid would have kept them in, but last night I left it askew, and they obviously noticed. The water seems good, so not sure why they are abandoning ship, any suggestions? Could the extreme humidity have brought out their adventurous side?

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The two main reasons I know of that make snails leave tanks are poor water quality and egg laying. They like to climb high to lay eggs, and humidity would have helped. I have a friend who had mystery snail eggs on the outside of her bathroom window frame after a particularly humid few days. I'm not sure why the snail thought that was a better spot than just above the water line, but it was certainly a great conversation starter for us poor confused humans!

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I found my snail at about 4 this afternoon. He was two rooms away, and looked all dried out, but I put him in a plant tank just in case he was hiding deep in his shell, and he was! He seems ok now, happily eating my plants, quite amazing considering he was out of water for at least 4 days.

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  • 8 months later...

Wow Jalepeno, you must be reading heaps, this post is way old. They are pretty funny creatures, I think having eyes that go in two different directions would give you a very different understanding of the world! Actually I'm really very glad you revived this, I had a snail question I didn't know where to put, now I can tack it on here. (see end of reply)

My snail turned out to be a girl too Lyarlla. She laid eggs but I accidentaly sent them moldy (mouldy?) by topping up the tank she was in. I hope yours do better.

*giggle* I didn't think of the fridge Brad! I do love my snails, mystery snails that is. I got some beauties from Wayne a few weeks back. The poor things looked like the posty had used their box as a marraca, but they recovered incredibly quickly. Most are the usual yellow, but their is some brown striped ones, and a couple of those have blue-grey feet so the orange dots really stand out (well if your looking at your snails closely enough to see that they have orange dots on their bodies they stand out). About 8 of them are in their own little tank with a couple of ramshorns (and their hord of tiny ofspring) They did such an amazing job of eating all the algae off the plants in there that, today, I swaped some out for an anubias covered log that was getting over-whelmed by black-brush algae. I thought it would take a few days, but there was only one leaf not completely cleaned by tonight. Now my only worry is:

How do I go about feeding snails if there are no fish in the tank? I thought they were getting enough food just eating the build up on the tank, but after today I don't think so. Can I just add a little fish food?

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My mystery snails like to eat algae discs, and a bit of blanched lettuce. Although they are being super slack with the algae cleaning at the moment and are eating my ambulia instead!!! Do the ramshorn snails work much better? I have this other brown snail that looks like a ramshorn snail except brown that came in from the pond and they do okay in there.... maybe I should raid the pond for more of them....

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My mystery snails ate all my duckweed and they will munch on plants if they get hungry. They are big and easy to control though. I feed the mystery snails stale algae wafers that the fish won't touch and the snails scoff them pretty quickly. Always have to make sure I put really large ones in the bristlenose tank so they can't get into the nesting log - had a smaller one get in there once and got stuck!

Ramshorns are rampant breeders and will eat a lot of plants quite quickly if they get the munchies although the large (about 10c piece size) ones in my pond don't seem to have made any headway with all the plants - I think they are preferring the algae in there at the moment though. Ramshorns in my tanks will attack any food available and make it hard for the bristlenoses to get to it. Ramshorns will eat your bristlenose eggs or any eggs for that matter.

Good to hear the snails are doing well Julia .... I've just had another batch of eggs laid and did the top up of the tank too high so might not get any out of them.

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