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Female Bettas Go Mia?


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I have a 3" community tank, stocked with 4 female bettas and 2 bristlenose catfish. Now today I noticed a female betta (black laced hm :) )cant be found not in tank, no body remains, not on floor or behind tank?? Another black CT female went missing 4 days ago, same siituation as above. Any idea whats happening? could the bristlnoses be eating them? one bristle is about 10cm long, the other is about 6cm long

I got a spawn from both females before they went missing but still they were top quality girls and i dont want to lose the others?


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I think you mean 3' :) I hope you mean 3', otherwise that's very cosy!

I had this happen recently - I lost one female but figured out what was happening just in time to save a second one. There's a spot behind a big piece of wood that the girls could wedge themselves into - once in, they could not reverse out, unlike other more agile fish. The first one died there, but I mistakenly thought she had been bullied and died that way. When the second one didn't show up for dinner I got worried and had a look around. Sure enough, she was gently wedged in that exact spot. I moved the wood to release her, and after several hours of sulking and panting at the surface, she recovered.

So, my suggestion is to look in every nook and cranny for possible wedge spots. Move the aquarium furniture around/away from tank sides.

Finley :)

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Trace i know :)

they could be under the fish tank cabinet but the cabinet is so close to the wall i cant see

poor bristles were about to go to the freezer this morning when i was annoyed......will sell them to a LFS soon just in case its them

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