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community tank advice


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So.. we have a new tank settling in, herefore known as Jess' tank (when reading between the lines means don't put anything in it that'll eat everything else). I'll post picks when jess downloads them from the camera, but has been planted for bouta week and includes aluminium, dragon's flame, borneo swords, riccia on plates, and some blyxa that i'm not sure that'll last. It's got lights, DIY CO2, a sponge filter, and a couple glass shrimp (sheading already), uknow, all the mod cons.

The big Q is fish..

We were thinks a couple Gourami, Bristlenose peppermint catfish, some kuhlis, and am real keen on those cute as bumble bee gobys.

The questions are how will these guys go in a heavily planted tank and are the gobys fresh or brackish fish??

Thanks in advance for ne advice

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i have a similar set up with a small colony of bumble bees , they are doing well in unsalted water and are always active and are a joy to watch in the tank.

The only thing i do for them is to make sure they get their share of food.

they prefer to chase their food so i give them bloodworms which I put in front of the out flow of the filter so they think they are catching their dinner.

And be careful when doing vacuuming on the gravel as they are absolute sticky beaks and it is very easy to suck them up.

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Hey everyone, it's been a while (we've been moving house and shifting jobs around, all fun and games here!). any way here are some photos of our community tank to be!!




I would love to get some gobi's in it whether they be bumble bees or desert ones, both look amazing {and the desert gobi is a native??} If anyone has any unusual suggestions i'll be more than up for it, want it to look a little different, Griffith isn't known for its range in fish considering we got told that Bumble Bee Gobis won't start breeding till next month and that bettas only breed in spring!!

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Yeah one of our LFS' has them most of the time, but they sell out really quickly. Doeas anyone know anything about dwarf cichlids?? Have read on some sites that they are good tankmates with gouramis..

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Ok we have fish!!! After nearly 3 weeks of letting the water all balance out we now have; our female bettas, 4 male guppy's and 7 female guppy's, a bristlenose and a peppered catfish (LFS gave him to us for free, he goes nuts!), about 40 odd shrimp from the channel and this little guy! Meet Buzz he is so adorable and once they come up on our lfs list again we will order him a few friends so he doesn't get lonely.





I love watching him go from leaf to leaf, then onto the rocks and then over to the driftwood, and then run away because he saw me there looking at him!!! Then he will peak around a plant to see if im still there and sit there and check me out before running away and hiding! SO tiny and gorgeous!!

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Hes cute ..give him some time and a few friends and he will stop hiding from you....Mine remind me of small terriers coz they dont realise how small they are , they are always hanging around my clown loaches and love hassling my large BN when he comes out for a feed.

They are fearless and curious little buggers.

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I'm going to :lol: here but only coz it's on the same subject! I got 4 Bumble Bee goby's today!!!! The one you guys have was soooo cute and I saw them at the LFS where I get my fry powder for only $2.95 ea and asked the guy if he'd do me 4 for $10 and he said yes so I got them! I also saw some titchy little bollivian butterlies today that I really wanted to get but they are $10 ea and I've no idea where I'd actually put them at the moment. I suppose I could turn the 3.4ft into a Cichlid tank or put them in with Logan once they are big enough to NOT become food. I'll have to look into it seeing as I plan to buy 4 more Tiger Oscars soon too. Logan's getting a girlfriend (unless he's a she and in that case it'll be a boyfriend)

Here's a pic of the bumble bee goby's


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