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New Guppies


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Can we have a photo of the whole tank please? Bettarazzi told me to ask you!!! tehehe

Also another question Beano... how come your fish are always going to the toliet when you take a photo? does the flash scare them? haha That one was my question not Bettarazzi's.

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perhaps it was washed before selling to LFS? Anyway, I don't know, doesn't seem to hurt them. Gets algae on it though.

The thank is a cheapy from BigW. I'm on my 2nd one in the space of a year, the last one blew it's transformer. I'm hoping it was a one off issue. They gave me another one to replace it. That's one of the original reasons I bought it from there, I love the refund/return policy.

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Yeah they would wash it before hand... good substrate by the looks of it

hahaha yeah i love BigW, Kmart etc... "umm a bought these slippers from you two years ago... they have a hole in them.... can i have a refund?"

"sure no problems"

LMAO... i never have done it BTW!!!

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