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Runaway betta!


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Help!! I was cleaning out 22 betta jars so I placed the bettas in plastic cups. I had to go out for a few hours and when i came back one of the cups had no betta inside it :lol: What happened? Oh dear i hope he didn't go out with the dirty tank water!!! Maybe he jumped, but I can't find him anywhere. HELP PLEASE!!!

:lol::(:lol::lol: :sad:

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Bettas can jump.... and they can get stuck in all kinds of weird places!

do a really really thorough search of the entire room... (including behind bookcases or shelves etc [i found one of mine stuck halfway down behind a bookshelf once - he lived to leap again])

good luck!

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I've had to rescue many of my fry from the S bend under the sink coz there was always a few that spazzed out during water change and jumped out of their cups and down the drain! I actually had to rescue one of them again recently, now adult size, as he did it again....jumped out during water change and here I was thinking he was too big to fit down the holes in the drain grate but I was wrong! Had to get my partner to undo the S bend and rescue his fish (gave it to him a few months ago)! Some will just do it time and time again, I learnt my lesson the hard way though and took to placing the plug in the sink and just tipping the entire contents into the sink and fishing the Betta out with a net to be place into the clean jar! It's a longer process but in the long run safer! Good luck finding him...if u haven't recently used the sink I suggest taking the S bend off...there should be rings u can undo, but make sure there is a bucket underneath to catch the water as it will leak and wear a mask or have another bucket handy to puke in coz the smell of a drain is putrid!

Good Luck!!!

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I found her late last night. I had all my cups on my bedroom dressing table cause that's where i did the water changes (by the way, i poured the water into a bucket just incase u were interested.lol). I looked in the draws and everywhere i could think of. The silly girl had jumped behind the dressing table! It was too late :D. My betta was a shrivelled up thing on the carpet :D . I put her in some water just in case, but she was already " in the giant fishbowl in the sky" :D

Some things I have learned are to always cover the cups when doing water changes and to not fill the cups with so much water. Silly me, I thought that they would know better than to jump out of water onto the floor!!

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yep bettas can and will jump! even if they've never jumped before... and if you think "oh that space is surely too small for such a big fishy to jump out of" then you're wrong! (I know that any one of my girls can jump around 2 inches high so I keep the water level around that far from the top and keep the lid on ALL the time!)

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It's soo good when we can come here and share eachothers blunders and mistakes :)

I love it when we all share tips aswell.

When all my fish were in the cups, One of the males jumped into another male's cup!!

I got him back just in time though (whew)

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