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would this combo work

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ok thanks Brett ... angels are terrors

I got 2 small/medium sized ones and they got along really well with each other then a week later I put 2 smaller ones in and the bigger ones picked on the little guys so mean.

I have the ring leader in a breeder net for a little time out and see if that sorts him/her out as I am not really to sure what I can do to stop the bigger ones picking on the small ones :)

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I wouldn't, angels have a bit of a chompy streak. I'd be hesitant to try it with a pet shop fish, I'd be very very reluctant with an import.

If you are after tank space, maybe you could try an isolation chamber or barracks inside the tank? Not ideal, but it is a safer option.

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Angels are cichlids so you have to expect them to be the opposite of "angels" :) They need a pecking order and I doubt that putting one in a breeder net will stop aggression in the long term. If that one's not aggressive, another one will just take over.

The 2 larger ones could be a breeding pair just acting like they should act, if they are going to spawn. I'd take the smaller ones back to the LFS and see if the big pair spawn.

Try putting the betta in - you can always her out again quickly if it's all looking bad.

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Hi Lilli will they not breed if the little ones are in the tank?

I released the ring leader last night and it seems to have sorted him out he will have the occasional little nip just to remind them who's boss but it doesn't seem to stress the little ones out and he is not chasing them all over the tank now :)

Fingers crossed he continues to behave :P

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Yeah, Its suggested if you have an overly aggressive fish in a community tank to take it out for a day or two and then put it back... not sure how it works but I think it’s meant to let the other fish secure the tank and then when the aggressive fish comes back he/she isn’t in the rank and because he/she is the new fish again they lay low.

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it's a territorial thing too. cichlids form territorial boundaries and can attack those who transgress them. Take one out and the others re-establish boundaries. Makes the AWOL one feel disconcerted when it gets back :)

They'll breed with the smaller ones in the tank, but they could well kill them in the process. I suggested removing the small ones for their own protection. the fry are more likely to survive if the only fish in the tank are their parents, too - and then you'll have lots of litte ones! :P

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Ok so I have a 200L tank which I am slowly stocking at this point in time I have 4 Angels would it be possible to put a female Betta in with the Angels would they live hapily together???

I have a community tank which has many different types f fish in it, including Angelfish. I put female Betta's in there from time to time, due to tank restrictions..

I have never had any trouble from the other fish with this, and my Angels spawn in there also..

The biggest problem would be if you had guppies or some such this fairly small, as imo the female Betta will kill them.

Its a big tricky to make sure that your female Betta gets the correct food however.. if they eat only the flakes you might be feeding to the other fish, she will become constipated..

I am not expert, just telling you what works for me

Hope this helps


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that's a good idea, I wouldn't mind trying it. Do you sell them to the LFS or privately?

I think as long as you start with a bunch the same size and do enough of a "controlled overcrowd" so the aggression is dispersed this works well, but it wouldn't work so will if you had 2 big angels that had already established territories and then introduced 2 smaller ones.

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