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I Love My Fishies

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Suay refuses to eat Betta pellets or flake he simply spits them back out I feed him frozen brine shrimp or frozen blood worm every couple of days (I was feeding him one of these frozen foods every day just so he would eat but I realised I had to be hard on him and if he didn't eat his pellets or flake when I feed it too him he would go hungry)

However my tough love does not seem to be working and he is getting very skinny I know it is not a well balanced diet to feed him just frozen shrimp brine and frozen blood worm but I don't know what to do because he is getting so skinny because he wont eat his flake and therefore is eating only every couple of days when I give him his frozen foods.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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What's wrong with frozen foods? I feed mine mainly frozen brine shrimp or frozen blood worms and some times live brine shrimp. I have pellets and most of mine will eat them but flake sounds like something I'd reserve for goldfish.

Personnally I'd get his weight up and then try to phase in pellets.

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Its the term used when you feed live food to be fed to your fish... so for example if you want to fed your fish mosquito larvae... you can feed the larvae old fish food flakes which they will eat (goes into their stomach.. i.e gut loading) and once they have eaten and the stomachs are full you feed them to your fish which in turn get the nutrients from the flake food the larvae have eaten

Did that make sense? you can do it with other live foods as well :)

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he was getting skinny but not skinny enough to be a threat to his life....... I baby him so much my bf is starting to wonder if it is him or Suay who is number one :)

I spoke to a few people in regards to the matter and they said to fast him if he wont eat what he was given because he need a balanced diet and nutrients which are in the pellets and flake (as well as frozen and live foods) so after feeding him just pellets and flake for 3 or so days which he spat out he started to get a little skinner so I was very worried

I have come to realise (after starting this post and listening to the advice from this forum) the advice I was given previously wasn't the best advice

he does eat frozen food so I have been feeding him frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worm and have been feeding him 2wice a day :)

I have heard some mixed reviews about live blood worm and live black worm what would you suggest someone? and do you think it is ok if he doesn't eat pellets at all? :)

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