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Thanks Lisa

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Some real eye opening home grown stock ;) .

Picies the marble betta, still swimming upside down :( .

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Ice my first DT .... well sort of

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Snowy a very pretty betta with very nice crowning, not certain of the gender yet but I'm suspicious he's a boy.

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OK so I broke my quaranteen rules for one night :thumbs: but I trust these fish are in good nic ;) .

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Never had white fish before, didn't realise how difficult they were to photograph without going wishy-washy. But I like the sky blue sheen on these two which isn't very clear in the photo.

Well Pisces certainly is a stunning fellow (I should learn to spell his name correctly LOL), and yes he is starting to swim a bit better now, it odd to see improvement so fast but I'm not complaining.

Love the way the flash catches the irridecent pattern, makes him look like a disco betta :( .

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I'm glad they went to a good home :). I see you managed to catch the white one with the red eyes, groovy! I hope they sprout well for you Klara. I'm also glad pisces' swimming is improving (he had that funny way of swimming where they seem to have an air bubble in them - he wasn't bloated, just when he stops swinnging he floats to the surface). I have had fish with that get that overnight then come good overnight with no long-term ill-effects.

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I'm glad they went to a good home :)

I'm also glad pisces' swimming is improving (he had that funny way of swimming where they seem to have an air bubble in them - he wasn't bloated, just when he stops swinnging he floats to the surface).  I have had fish with that get that overnight then come good overnight with no long-term ill-effects.


He's not getting constipated is he? I've had fish that are intollerant to certain foods (mainly dried or bs) which got that after every meal (of the particular problem substance) as soon as they passed the food out the other end they came good again. But until they managed to 'go' they would bob back to the surface like little corks as soon as they stopped swimming. In the end I just avoided any foods that were a problem with those fish and they were fine.

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The pied marble Pisces is swimming much better today, he's still a bit wobbly but it's a big imporvement (He's not swimming upside down). I didn't feed him last night but today he had some bio gold and he seems to be doing fine.

The green parts are irridencence, visible only under a bright light. It comes out great in this pic :) .

Lisa on closer inspection both the white ones I caught have red eyes. In this pic you'll see that the DT has red eyes too:

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Do you think it's possible they may carry the albino characteristic?

What do you think the chances are of getting a true albino fry if I spawn them?

Maybe I'm just getting hopeful :) . Like I said Splash Wilson's eye's do the same under light. Here's a link to show you what I'm talking about: Splash Wilson

Wonder why it's visible on some bettas and not others?

Still, I think it would be awesome to have a pure white spawn with maybe a marble or two. I hope they inherit Snowy's awesome crowning and colour :D .

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Do you think it's possible they may carry the albino characteristic?

What do you think the chances are of getting a true albino fry if I spawn them?

Only 1 way to find out! Albino is recessive, I suppose it is possble they carry it. None of their siblings is albino but I suppose it's possible that there were originally some but they were not as healthy as their siblings so perished at an early age. Sounds like a fun experiment :)

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