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Some Discus Of Mine


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Hi Nam, I love the Discus. How many do you have? Been wanting some for about 2 years now, not ready yet. I need a wider 4ft then I currently have... I really want to get some Blue Diamonds or Snow White or Ocean Greens :blush: Any solid colours will do me :D

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thank you guys. mishy picked them all. there are 5 in a 200L 4ft. i also have 4 juvies in a 100L 2ft grow out. the 4ft is half bare, half gravel. i feed them in the bare section but they like the security of the gravel section. hehe flooding episodes have been infrequent of late! surprising i have reduce the chance of flooding by increasing the size of all my pipes. this means more water flow but this is good because i don't get bored of waiting for tanks to fill. i have a very short attention span. hey a boucing red ball! :rolleyes:

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Yes Nam's been very good at not flooding the house... well done boyo! :dance: Interesting note though...the large fish in the 4th pic (we think is a girlie) is the same age as the 2nd fish, but is at least 25% bigger! (they were in a group of 8, but all of them dieded except these two) She used to be very aggressive but with the 3 new friends to play with, she's mellowed out with age and threat of no food :cheer:

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