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Copper Gold Ohm Male


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I have had this boy for quite some time, and I've been with him through his rough times and he through mine. I have never been as close to a betta as I have with this male. For a long time the only things keeping me into bettas were the hopes of eventually breeding him, as well as Ausaqua, Bettas4All, and BettySplendens.com...

He has changed alot from when he first arrived. He started off looking half dead, and remained in a not-much-better state for at least a month. He wouldn't flare, he made sulking an artform. He gradually got better. Attempts to spawn him failed. He got finrot after he was beaten up by his girlfriend, but that was all he needed to be able to regrow his fins to their original size (he bit his tail during shipment and he wouldnt grow it back). All was good for some time. He acted like a normal fish. still does.

His dorsal fin was the only fin never to regrow, and it recently got finrot, which spread to his caudal. It all seems to be healing now after treatment.

He now looks the best he has ever been. :lol: (except for his dorsal, which still needs some work).

Aquabid photo:

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I think this was just before he got beaten up:

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And this I think was him recovering from his first bout of finrot:

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About a month and a half ago; huge improvement:

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These were taken last night. Probably some of the better pics of him that I've taken:

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And this is my best one:


With my camera it is so hard to get decent shots of bettas. The shutterspeed on all settings is usually too slow for the speed of them, and it is almost impossible to get good closeup shots. The Pics I took last night were done with super-close-up macro setting, about 20cm away from the fish, with the fluro light on, as well as a lightglobe on the adjacent side of the tank next to the male, to give extra light. Taken in the evening, so no natural light ;) But I'm satisfied with my results during that session :lol:

Cheers guys :) :)

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Well done Stefan, Its always great to hear that someone has turned around the health of these fickle imported HM's. :lol: It's a real credit to you that you have been able to do this. He is once again a stunning boy. :lol: Najina

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