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we should have a comp


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Right I get slight envy whenever I see razzi's photo comp,winner signature

also,since the,forums,been,updated I think we should have some friendly comps

I suggest photos and aquascape depending on,how we rub it we may eve be able to scrounge up,some prizes. Would anyone be keen?

I think,its a good way to,increase traffic to the forum as well

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Would LODO Aquatics be willing to sponsor said comps and supply prizes? We could pick judges outside of you and James so you could still enter...

We could advertise the comps on FB and through the various IBC chapters through their newletters, but make it a condition of entry that the entrants need to be members of AAQ, and, of course, the comps will be hosted here anyway.

Photo, scaping, artwork (impartial judges, not entering) even a photo table show with IBC qualified judges deciding on winners (Michael, Ness, someone - looking at you guys...obviously). We could look at asking a few others if they'd be willing to jump in as sponsors and prize donators.

Each comp could be sponsored by an individual chapter so we could do a write up and promote each chapter as we go...

We could look at doing the same types of things for Killies, Guppies, Inverts & Shrimp, and Wilds, or have classes in each comp to cover them all if enough interest is shown...

Edited by Brenton
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that made my head explode a little.

just woah

anyway all good ideas i think we will ease in to it.
were happy to donate something or will gather some donations to award as prizes.
i quite ike the idea of a photo comp (just as the last aquascape comp was a bit of a flop due to the IBC SHOWS distracting us all!)
james suggested a participation based one first up.
apparently some of his other forums (soccar and bad music i mean....'punk rock') do them frequently and it does boost traffic and communication
he can explain them when hes awake i suppose though.
but anyone else have any input?
a comp youd like to see run?

frequency of comps?
(im think a quick short easy one, then photo then aquascape with some awesome winners banners in signatures and prizes and time between each comp and alot of advertising if comps hahah )

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Yeah I think we should keep it fairly simple. Funny I was cleaning up my sig yesterday and thought meh these old comp badges can go.

So what do we want? A general photo comp? How many sections? I think the focus should be on the photography so people might improve their skills by participating. I will think up some rules.

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With rules a good one to have people become active is make minimum 20 posts to enter. Makes it a way to have people post on the forum. We will think up a nice little prize/prize pack for it.

I think just one category to make it simpler, and a good base to build on for future competitions.

I can come up with some ideas for different types of competitions if you want. We just need to promote the **** out of it on all the facebook pages to get people over here.

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Minimum posts to participate - ha - everyone will be most welcoming to newbies in the intro forum from now on :)

But seriously...a good idea I think. Maybe the forum needs some sort of unofficial publicity committee, or at least a publicity thread where all these ideas can be kept together, and worked on by those interested - with Michael having power of veto, of course.

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Between me and maddie we can draw up a rules possibly tonight and put it to razzi for his input and approval.

Lodo betta aquatics will provide the prize for the competition so everyone else can relax about that.

If anyone has any extra thoughts about a competition keep coming up with ideas. We are happy to keep supporting the forums as most can tell me and maddie live on here

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