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So how are everyones killies going?


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Yeah my australe pair are doing well and their offspring are going well too. I have some really tiny ones that hatched out later than the others, but most are around the 1 inch mark and clearly sexable. They seem to be over their bout with ich, but I have noticed my poliaki female not looking as good as she was. Not certain what that is about so just going to keep eyes on her.

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we have a few

currently keeping:



gardneri makurdi(only one boy)





the ones actively breeding are the gardneri and clown

hoping the australe will start soon and looking at getting some chocolates and striatum in the near future :)

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Great work guys! :applaud:

I recently started a facebook group as an extension to the killie forum at Killifish Australia Facebook Group

Ashlea, if you like when my new fishroom is settled I can send you some poliaki eggs.

Maddzvk, maybe we can do a swap of blockii and werneri eggs for striatum and/or chocolates later on.

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How is your fishroom going Serkan? I think I saw you moved into a new house and were getting a room purposefully built for one?

I always thought your previous fishroom was one of the nicest and most organised I have seen. Don't know what your electricity bill would have been though!

At the moment I am going to be focusing on my wild bettas exclusively. My pair of australe and my poliaki female are now officially pets, and while I may hang onto a pair from my grow-out, I will be hopefully offloading the rest. The biggest are probably going to be nearly ready for sale in 3-4 weeks.

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My fishroom isn't ready for killies yet. I'd like to say it will be ready soon but I'd be lying. I could barely cope with the few tanks and bettas I had before, then I went nuts at the Show and came home with far more than I can handle with manual water changes. Really need to fix that.

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Got some updated photos of my australe fry/juveniles/sub-adults. Man are these fish hard to photograph properly. They are such crazy swimmers. It's hard to believe that these fish were once tiny eggs I picked off a spawning mop!





If anyone in Melbourne wants a pair of australe gold in the near future I have at least a dozen *lol*

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Thanks. I am surprised by how fast they grow even with my sporadic water change schedule. I finally got them onto flake food and so they take that along with live blackworms, grindals and frozen brine shrimp/bloodworms.

Part of me will be sad to see them all go, but another part can already picture a nice wild betta tank where they are haha

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You need to move closer to Melbourne *lol*

Although Serkan my mum is seriously considering moving to Canberra. She keeps telling me a benefit will be that I will be closer to the 'killifish man' as she calls you.

I wanted to know, what minimum size do you think is suitable for selling my australe pairs at? The biggest are around an inch/just over an inch long now and I'm not sure if this is fine or I should wait longer. They are all easily sexable save for the smallest. I am just not sure how sensitive they still might be at this age/size.


I also have some really tiny late hatchers


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I agree if they are sexable they are sellable. You just need to make sure that the females have grown a bit and the fins don't colour up later on and they turn up to be a male.

Looking at your photos they are sellable.

Someone in Killifish Australia is asking me about your details so that they can get a pair or two off you.

And Ashlea Canberra is a great place to live. It takes 30mins max to get anywhere in town. And Canberra does have a lot of killies :blush:

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