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Clean Up


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With my renewed enthusiasm for fish keeping I have started cleaning out the tanks 1 by 1 the first rack is done time for a beer.

Its funny what you can pull out of a tank 18 months after you last looked at it.



As this is my wilds rack I am only half filling the tanks to help deal with the jumping problems they still have lids on them, though


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I find it quite relaxing I haven't had this much satisfaction out of the shed for years.I tried getting back into it 18 months ago with killis I am not sure if they were what I really wanted though I had a lot going on at the time and it all went down the way side.I have always had an under lying interest in bettas and whilst playing with the Killis I had the good fortune to meet Les through a friend and he put me onto this forum back then so I have been quietly sitting back and watching until I recently touched base with another friend I hadn't seen for ages and he is well into wilds and as they will say the rest is history.

Any way this was a cichlid breeding set up but now it is all for Bettas,endlers and hopefully licorice gouramis. I think I have about 70 tanks and 15 ponds & IBCs around 600-1000ltrs each.



I am also half way through cleaning the tanks on the dexion I have plenty of room for more tanks in the shed if I need to.


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Great pics Kev, Its enough to couse fish room envy. I wish mine was bigger:((/>. What Endlers have you got at the moment?? Jason has been getting a few different types for himself so might be worth while catching up with him to do swapsy.



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With the fancy bettas I really like the dragon,marble,red,yellow,orange and fancy HMPK the blues/greens just don't do it for me.

And with the wilds its all of them :bighug:

That center rack I got of off Ken Shaw a few years back I got rid of 9 7 x 2 x 2s I was over big tanks and had 2 sheds running so they were part of my down sizing program back then went from 160 tanks to 70.Tania has been very tolerant back in the day she even used to do water changes and feed the fish she has assured me it wont ever happen again.

I don't think she would leave me though.

She dosnt want to see me happy.


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