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My poor betta got holes in his fins


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Hi again,

Me again, stressing out about my poor betta fish.

Today when I came home I discovered he got several round holes in his fins, about 3 I think. He been zooming around since I put his new liliapsosis plants in the tank but have now settled down more with them. He swims around a lot going to the corner & bumping his mouth against it, sometimes it looks like he is attacking his reflection but I'm not sure if he ther is a reflection? He also does some really super speedy swiming & then has a few moments of calm. His eating is fine. He also loves swiming in the bubbles from the pump. He also likes hanging next to the heater but not all the time.

Is the holes fin rot? Dosnt seem to completely match up with the pictures on the web..

I got bettafix ath home, should I administer some in the water?

I do weekly water changes last one Sunday, should I give the tank a good clean & a small water change? Or is it better not to stress him out with it?

He seems stressed, what can I do?

The ph seems to be in between 6-6,5 but no ammonia present.going to get some coral on the weekend to try bring it up a bit.

Any help so appreciated! So worried :confused: thanks!

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Could be a mild form of "pin hole" fin rot. This can progress, though, at this early stage you may be able to treat without chemicals.

First, these fish prefer acid conditions so don't get the coral or try change the pH.

Second make sure you add aquarium salt or pure sea salt(non-iodised) to the water. They can handle a fair bit of salt and hinders bacteria from taking hold.

Third, they really do benefit from tannins in the water (like you get from adding Indian Almond Leaves to your tank).

Any signs of worsening rot then use triple sulphur or tetracycline - I've never found betta fix to be terribly effective.

Your betta seems to be behaving completely normally for a typical male betta - a little nutsoid but - NFB (normal for betta).

Good luck

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I have a Betta who gets pinhole rot in his fins at the drop of a hat (some Bettas seem to be more susceptible to it.) I find a waterchange with salt and water stained dark with my IAL/Banana leaf tea (you can use plain IAL) usually takes care of it in about 3-5 days.

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Thanks Paul & Shadoh. Already putting rock salt in the water, will do another water change tonight & put in some more. Do I put in a teaspoon?

Will go get some IAL this weekend. Hoping it clears up soon.

Comforting to know they are just crazy fish like that, Paul :D


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Could be a mild form of "pin hole" fin rot. This can progress, though, at this early stage you may be able to treat without chemicals.

First, these fish prefer acid conditions so don't get the coral or try change the pH.

Second make sure you add aquarium salt or pure sea salt(non-iodised) to the water. They can handle a fair bit of salt and hinders bacteria from taking hold.

Third, they really do benefit from tannins in the water (like you get from adding Indian Almond Leaves to your tank).

Any signs of worsening rot then use triple sulphur or tetracycline - I've never found betta fix to be terribly effective.

Your betta seems to be behaving completely normally for a typical male betta - a little nutsoid but - NFB (normal for betta).

Good luck

Hi paul....

Whats the ratio for salt per 10 litres?


I have a Betta who gets pinhole rot in his fins at the drop of a hat (some Bettas seem to be more susceptible to it.) I find a waterchange with salt and water stained dark with my IAL/Banana leaf tea (you can use plain IAL) usually takes care of it in about 3-5 days.


I use IAL ... but whats the IAL/banana leaf tea? sounds very therapeutic for the fish ?

also do you use a new leaf when doing water changes? I want to make sure im doing all i can to keep them healthy and happy :cheer:

Thanks Julie

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I boil up a few leaves of each in a pot of water and leave it to cool. Instead of adding leaves when doing water changes, I add some of this tea. Just enough to colour the water. A little more if breeding or repairing torn fins/missing scales. It can be done with just IAL.

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