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Jumping onto the Killi Train in 2013...


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I've been thinking about this for a while and would like to branch out to a couple of other species in the fishroom next year.

Why not now? I am concentrating on my betta lines and the show season this year, then winding down the fishroom to bare minimum as I will be going overseas for 3 weeks in March. To make things easier on a housesitter, I don't want numourous tanks that have to be cleaned. Once I get back, it will be easier to sort out and re-arrange the fishroom and set up a couple of new tanks dedicated to non-betta species.

I have found one that has caught my eye and was wondering if you Killi people would be able to tell me if the species is available in Australia. I've hit google, but the results are inconclusive.

The Black Pearl Killifish (Austrolebias nigripinnis)


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no chance in australia mate...

it's hard to get anything other then the aphyosemions or the epiplatys into the country...

I would so love to get the whole range of killies into the country but for the next 3 years i want to focus entirely on the aphyosemion complex

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Killies are awesome, but like Davo said the number of species available here is very limited. However, there are plenty of good, easy species to cut your teeth on, and even these are quite beautiful.

Common as they are, I have to say Aphyosemion australe gold are one of favourite species of killies, and mine spawn daily. I also really like Pseudepiplatys annulatus. Mine are gutsy little fish and chock full of personality.

I mean how could you resist these little faces


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Funny you put the photo of nigripinnis up. Couple of months back I found a bag of peat during my fishroom tidy up. On the bag it said "A.nigripinnis de Carmelo collected June 97"

When I saw the bag I went "Arrrrggghhhh!", so that fish was in the country in 97.

There is always a probability someone not very social having the fish still. Maybe?

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Hey Jarrod

Try out some of the aphyosemiom first before you get into anything rare. its just that killies are a diferent kettle of fish (excuse the pun) than Betta there is nothing more rewarding than picking eggs off a mop and the watching them hatch and grow. Peat a bit different thats take a bit of organising but if you work it out first with some of the Aphyosemion peat spawners then you will find it a breez when you get to some of the more rare types of Killi that some people have. There are some stunning Aphys around that still present a chalange and are stunning looking. I think Killies would be a great venture for you to enter I love them but they are just as adictive as Betta and guppie:giggle: I know, I have to build a purpose built fish room know as the garage wont hold any more tanks:dance:



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