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Y'all crazy


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Seriously people. I can't believe no one is buying any of the Betta sp. Mahachai that are in Fishchicks at the moment. I think there are three pairs and a couple of spare males. The males really do colour up so nicely once home and happy.

I'd happily have a male as a display fish if I had a spare display tank.

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Chi said it. My one and only "spare" wild tank now has Pauls channoides pair in it. This year I am concentrating on breeding fancy show Bettas. Next year, when I'm looking to re-stock my fishroom, I will look at expanding my wild collection.

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I know guys.

I have the cash, just not the room for all the tanks I would like. Otherwise I would end up probably buying a quarter of Fishchciks bettas. Well atleast from this shipment.

As good looking as many of the fancy bettas are, I honestly think the mahachai are the best looking bettas out there.

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