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Hey guys,

I was wondering what size containers people use to jar their growing male bettas?

Do you use plastic or glass?

I was wondering if something like this would be suitable?


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I have thought about a barracks, but figure that if I am (ever) at the stage where I need to jar fish, I'd rather have a couple of tubs full of jars and save tank space for my breeders. Jarring after all will be for growing out boys who are to cranky to grow out in a community tub.

Yeah I am thinking (way) ahead. But I already have about two dozen wild fry, so I'll see how I go with my fancy pairs.

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I had a massive spawn of over 300 once, and although the duck got a lot of them, the rest ended up in those throwaway plastic picnic cups! I had the room heated and did 50% wc every 2nd day. Cardboard dividers were removed for about 1/2-1hr a day. They all lived happily and healthily believe it or not, until they were sold. Some ppl on here that have bought from me might remember my bookshelf of fish? Lol

But those containers look fine. I'd use them, and I'd wash thoroughly with salt water before you use them.

But I guess this is an old post so who knows how it went lol

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