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chosing the right plakat


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Hi Lachie, it all depends on what you are after. If you want show quality, have a look through this thread to read about what to look for. If form is not as important as colour and you are looking for a nice display fish, is is more a personal choice. I personally LOVE marble and dragon HMPKs. Mind you a clean red is stunning too :D

Here are some pics of plakats I bred last year...






*lol* I was too slow typing - Sarah got in first....

what she said!...

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a) Traditional Plakat b.) Asymmetrical Plakat c.) symmetrical Plakat

There aren't many symmetrical plakat in Victoria, I know I haven't seen one in person.

It's great that you're doing a bit of research into what you should be looking for - you might as well get a good one if you're buying a new fish, particularly if you're going to try your hand at breeding.

How is a great time to be looking for the right stock as it's "quiet" on the breeding front (for most of us) as winter is often down-time for the breeding activity.

Best of luck with the search, let us know how you go!


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This is not a critique.

If we could buy bettas from Indonesia and get them in to Australia, I would definitely buy the following two fish.





I don't really have enough tanks to concentrate on two lines, but "if" I could, I would for these two fish.

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