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I'm new to the world of Betta's but have been a very passionate hobbyist for more than 2 years now, I have afew heavily planted tanks with Plecos and corys - my first loves- :) also killi's, gobies and assorted others. Currently working on a 4ft custom setup for Betta's :) So hoping to find some great advice,inspiration and contacts for my new venture as I like to support genuine breeders. Interested in Wilds and Splendens so would love to hear what other members have... Also looking at a 5x2x2 set up but umm I just have to work out where to put it.....:P

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Good point Roy - Here's the link if you're interested in meeting some of the local Melbourne breeders and keepers - lots of photos so you can see what happens at our meets, there will be a big table show this month with quite a few on sale.

It's exciting to see so much energy going in to a new betta setup, do you have an idea of what splendens you like at this stage?

Welcome to the forum


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Thanks for the warm welcome Roy and Ness, I already have the date set in my calendar for the meeting it will be my first time so I'm very excited!

I was recently gifted a beautiful black male crowntail I had never seen a Betta like him before as I had only ever seen the standard LFS Bettas. I started researching them including buying books and trying to find sites and clubs to join so he is the one responsible for my new venture when I get chance to I will post a picture see what you think? I would love to know more about him...

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If you feel like it - you're more than welcome to bring him along... we don't have many crown tails in the CT class so he might just take a prize home!

I'd personally love to see him, and we can tell you a bit about his genetics when we see him.

Show n tell!!

(: looking forward to the meet, see you there!


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Sorry to jump into this thread like this... but did anyone else make a "pew-pew" noise as they read the last post?

Welcome to the forum by the way!

Lemme hazzard a guess... your favourite song might be....

Edited by paul
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Welcome to the forum!

Sounds like you have a bit of a collection there, please do post photos (unless you have already, I'm behind with the forum!)

Haha, Paul - I had the exact same thoughts. Pew-pew sounds for me, and had that song in my head from the username. :P

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