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Banana leaf


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Hey Everyone,

Do Banana leaves and IAL do the same thing? If they do, is there any significant cost difference or any other difference which makes one better? Does anyone know where I can get banana leaves in Melbourne if they are worth getting?


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Hey Adam,

While doing a quick search on the search bar (top right hand corner), I found these threads. Should answer all your questions. :)




Hope those help. :)

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Hi Adam

Banana leaf has a similer affect on Betta to what IAL has but it does tend to make the fish a little more agresivea. A friend over hear in Perth was having dificulty with a HM pair he had and the IAL wasnt working so I told him to use Banana leaf and by the next day ther was a nest and he was rearing ti go. I must say I dont use it all the time only when IAL isnt working or a fish is looking not to well.

If you get any leafs then only use the leafy part not the thick vien down the middle. Totaly dried leaves can be used like IAL and green leafs can be made up in to a tea.

As to where you can get some you may have to ask around some of the Vic Members.

I hope this helps



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This was interesting to know. I have a couple of little bannana tree's... perhaps I'll try it out. Would the dead, dry leaves work too?

Otherwise I'll snag a green leaf or two and look up how to make the tea, I suppose. :D

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Thanks! So would you just leave it soak in a bucket of aged water for a couple of days, make the tea from boiling water, or is it fine to float a small piece directly in the tank? A glance outside confirms I have heaps and heaps of banana leaves just begging to be used. :P I had heard this before, but it's nice to hear it confirmed.

Edited by Lilly
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Hi Lilly

I make my tea from boiling green leaves about three leaves in two Ltrs of water bring to the boil and alow to cool then strain off

I only use dried leaves if I am putting them into the tank About half a leaf is ok they love to get under them when they eventualy sink

I hope this helps but just remember it makes a fiesty fish even more so



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