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I thought I would share some pics of the Sjoestedi brothers. I was hoping for two pairs and ended up with four males but not to worry they where all taken to my freinds house as he has two females. I feel like I am pimping out the boys but hey thats life in a fish room LOL




I love these fish they are ammazing to watch as they interact, I found them to get along resonable considering the confines of there small tank and wouldnt hesitate to have a big tank full of them:giggle:



Edited by Bettarazzi
Corrected spelling in title
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All of the types of Killie I have gotten so far are from the followingh, Aphyosemion, Aplocheilichthys and Epiplatys. Thanks Razzi I didnt have a clue how to put into letters as you know normal spelling is a chalange for me :giggle:

@ Razzi

I can gret where you are comming from about these guys when they open there mouths they are so big and from the front view they do look like wilds, I cant wait for some fry to be produced.

@ BH

BH if you are thinking of getting into Killies then I would sujest one of the Gardneri strains like P82 they are very simple to start you of and produce large quantities of eggs.

I can send you some if you would like to give them a try and then when you are ready you can trade with others for diferent species.



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What I was getting at was that in my mind sjoestedti are the pinnacle of killifish keeping, in the same way that macrostoma are the pinnacle of wild bettas. For me that is. I'm sure other people have different species at the top of their wish list.

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@ Razzi

I see know what you mean I thought it was how big there mouths where. I was amazed at it when I first saw them. I would love to get some Sjoestedi Blue USA I have seen them on U Tube and they are a stuning fish

@ Davo

Ken will be doing the initial breeding with this lot as he is Our Killie savont, Then when there are enough of them Kev and I can have a go.



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well for display i have a 3 foot with various fish lie silver dollars danios glass cats red jewels and some normal chilchids from city farmers would it be okay for some and also for breeding wouldn't mind trying it

thanks riley

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I havent bread Sjoestedti myself yet but If I where to breed it I would definetly house it in its own tank. I house two P82 in a two foot tank but that is a bit extravigant and space consuming . My plan is to make a bank of 30cm tanks that are 20cm high and 20 cm wide.

I will house pairs of killie in these as it will conserve space and allow more types to be Kept. I got some panels of glass today and one shelving unit Just to start with and will expand as funds permit.

As for display tanks I dont realy keep mixed tanks so you may have to ask Serkan or Razzi about that as they have far more experiance than I do in that area.

I hope this helps



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Yeah, I never really kept killies in a community tank. If I were going to try it I'm not sure I'd do it with the fish you've listed. Not sure the killies, even a larger type like SJO, would cope very well and might get bullied. I'd suggest more peaceful tank mates eg. rasboras, small livebearers, corys, bristlenose, kuhli loaches, that sort of thing.

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Hi Riley

My tanks for breeding will be 20cm high x 20cm wide x 40 cm long giving me 16 ltr per tank. I have chosen these dimensions so they will give me maximum tank space on the shelving system I have purchased. I will get three tanks per shelf and there are four shelves for tanks and one for storage being the top shelf, that gives me twelve tanks per units. Spawning material will be placed in the tanks depending on the requirments of the type of Killie being bred. Water will be conditioned in a 200ltr barrel (as for the Betta) Eggs retrived each day from killies are placed in retanguler take away container, the container will be marked with the Killie type, Tank number and date. Each container will contain about four days worth of harvested killie eggs. The containers will be placed in a bain-mari in order to to give a constant temp and better hatch rate.

After hatching fry will spend limited time in takeaway cantainer till being placed into grow out tanks.

Thats the plan as it stands PPPPPPP

Hope this helps



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Hi Riley,

Les pretty much covered everything. I have 20L tanks for spawning groups and groups of juvies. They look like this


I also have smaller tanks for raising newly hatched fry; 12L. I am also thinking about setting up a 5L system for fry.

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Hey Riley

If you want P82s i can give you some eggs, PM me so I can organise them for you. Serkan has a great set up and if you go to the Australian killie site ether he or Ormathea (ken) will be sure to give you the right answers its a great site and lots of info



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