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Sometimes I'm just sick of these fish


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Right some of you may know my turquoise boy from Jim {Jha) that I endured 3 days to get him safely home from Sydney,I preparation to spawn him- well 2 months later, Power-out tank cooled off from 26 to 13, dead by morning! Same with my royal blue CT female. Sometimes I am really had it with these fish, then I buy more. *lol* Real shame about him, He was my little favourite man. D: And my only CT female, Now I'm left with a blue red wash VT girl.Well, Rant over, back to plotting more to buy. Two spare tanks now.

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*Looks at Yan, looking at this thread...*

I was going to say something positive like "at least your keeping the LFS in business" but. that's not the point is it?

Hazell, if you've had concurrent problems with keeping the fish, perhaps - it's time to investigate the cause?

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It is always tough when things like that happen! :bighug:

I once had power outage in the middle of winter while I was away for a couple of days. I lost almost everything!!! It was hard to look at 40+ tanks and have a total of 6 fish :(( Some of the fish I had only existed in my fishroom and they have not been seen in Australia since! It happens, you get mad, you get sad, you blame yourself and finally you get over it and buy more fish! :D

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Hazell, it happens. I recently lost 12 of my bettas and have some more not looking too good. The only thing I can attribute to is forgetting to treat the last buckets of water during water changes. I used up all my treated water, then filled up a bucket of what I thought I had already added dechlorinator to. All the fish that received a water change from that last bucket died or are now sick (and yes, the bucket is only used for fish, so could not have any residue in it. I could kick myself over it, but will work my way through it :)

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Hi Hazell

This hobby is a chalange in many diferent ways. somtimes the chalange is not being able to find a mate for that terific male you just bought, Your water is to hard or to soft, the power is on and off like a brids nighty. somtimes you just dont have the money to buy the show stock so you have to breed up to it which takes time. But each time you rise to the chalaeng you fortyfy your self with strength and you learn more. Fish are so ethereal seeming to be atached to this world by the thinest of threads, but the more knoledge gained the thicker the thresd becomes but this quite often can only be gained by experiance.

What I can say for sertain about this hobby is that anyone who has been in it for a while and has gone through some off these chalanges and stayed in the hobbie has become a better person for it and is more than willing to help people just starting out

So remember this you are not a Robinson Carouso and this is not a desert island you are sourounded by people who have been through this, so chin up, shoulders back and carry on



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