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Got New Killie


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Today I was given some eggs that i watched collected

African Lamp Fish and

A. Amietti

In addition I was given two pairs of

A Gardneri P82

The lamp fish are so ammazing there eyes just stand out like neon blue with such pale blue bodies. The Ametti dont need any expalining as any pic shows this is a beautiful fish deserving a place in anyones home and lastly P82, it is just baffling how natures diversity can com up with such combinations I love this fish My wife on seeing them was gobsmacked ( I should get more:giggle:) Just joking, I love her dearly

Will keep you updated on my mops and how this new lot of eggs go



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Good luck with all the killies Les. Mine have been lazy. Don't know if they're spawning in their mops/moss or not. Don't mind too much as they are more than beautiful enough to secure a place in my fish room.

You'll have to take some photos of all these new arrivals! Sounds like you have a ton of fish at the moment.

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Hi Les,

That's awesome! I am glad you got your hands on some more killies.

Fp.amieti is a great fish. I found them to be not too prolific, hope you breed a lot of them. My last batch turned out to be mostly males.

Is your lampeye normani? They are a great little fish and have huge eggs compared to the size of the fish.

P82 are great a very nice gardneri to have in ones collection.

Good luck with them all.


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@ Jarrod

Na, I am a Betta boy at heart, but seeing I have the time I might as well do a maintenance so we dont loss these fish from our state.

@ Wild nut

Yes I tied for the P82 but they are still settling in I think in a few days ill get some good shots of them

@ Serkan

No they arnt Normanii as I asked ken that but he does have Normanii. These are a very small steel coulerd fish with the bigest blue neon couler over the eyes he said he got them as African Lamp Fish they do have realy big eggs though.



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Hey Serkan I missed out on biding for the eggs you had up on O,F,Bs but my mate at the LFS is going to try and get some Sjoetedi for me If he isnt succesfull would you still have some eggs for sale? Ken only has a female of this type so I thought it would be nice if I got him ether a male or some eggs as so he can breed them.



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Just take care with Blue Gularis, I bought about 30 and they can die on you overnight and for no reason....sigh

i have a few eggs though but don't think i have much to revive it.

I think the ones that your lfs is getting are old

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Hi Les,

I didn't have sjoestedti's listed but all of the others are pumping eggs out again. I was a bit busy and had ran out of blackworms. Now they are full of blackworms and the eggs are a plenty. I was talking to another guy from Perth; Kev, and I should send that way species you guys don't have.

I have some eggs of Blue Gularis my female died on me! :byebye:

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@ Davo

When you say they are old do you mean they are past breeding? and what is the prime breeding age for them?

@ Serkan

Sorry I get realy confused on who has what.

BigKev was on KIlli site today and said that he had got most of his fish from Ken. Ken has given me a list of what he has so from that I can figer out what he needs so I can try and repay him a little in kind

Ken has a female and you have a male Blue Gularis all thats in the way is the Nullabor. I do know he only has a Male Striatum so needs a female to breed and his Normanii havent done the deed yet But I think the mega amount of Riccia I gave him might fix that, It would be great if it did. It would be great to get new species that arnt hear going and a maintanance program in place to keep them hear the more in it the better the succes



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@ davo

So how many out of the 30 did you lose? were they not in good enough condition for the suplier to ship?

About three of my Udi-Berg eggs have eyes showing. It is so diferent to Betta and Guppys, Being able to see the development in the egg is just outstanding. all set up for the hatching and will be ready for more killies very soon.



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Well I have around 1 female and about 3 males left. So it was pretty distressing.

The fish arrived healthily. But they were already big and they were already old.

That was the real issue i felt. They were all just too old

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Well that definatly sounds unethical on the sellers part. do you think you can build up a colony with whats left? I hope its posible for you to. I got the two pairs of P82 of Ken and put both in a two foot tank with lots of Riccia and four spawn mops, The bigest male has taken up residence in amogst the spawn mops with one of the girls the other pair stay way down the other end of the tank. So should I put the other pair in there own tank? as I would like both pairs to be able to spawn. I got two eggs of the mops yesterday so the big pair are definatly at it.



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