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Fish escapee must be an acrobat


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Was looking at a cloud of newly free swimming fry in the convict tank tonight.... and out of left field swam a small bright black & white fish.... one of my Tretocephalus!!!! I have/had five of them in a tank at the back of the rack the convicts are in..... How the hell she got where he is I'd love to have seen!!!! Not only up and out of his tank but then across a gap between racks then through a 3cm gap in the lids at the front of the convict tank!!!


have you had any acrobats in your fishroom?

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I just moved my room around, painted the walls, and moved the MB fishroom/shelving unit....

I found my disappearing dragon giant female... turns out he didn't eat her.... she jumped a 30 cm sheet of glass (out of 20 cm of water and not much of a run-up)

Oh, and she was blind.

....and quite crispy when I found her adhered to my carpet

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Unfortunately for the fish, acrobatic feats usually only result in crispy fish fritters and not the standing ovation and never ending adoration of their audience.

I removed one of my favourite boys from his barracks only two days ago coz he suddenly developed dropsy and needed isolation from the other boys. He died within the day. His sparring partner in the adjoining barrack must have noticed his absence, and in an attempt to search for his brother and best friend, he jumped through the gap in the glass lid that coveys the filter tubing. He was a lovely dragon too.. But now he's a dessicated fish chip. Two gone on the same day.

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I have a plakat male who jumps out whenever I get too close to the tank. I think it's been 4-5 times now he's gone sailing merrily past me (he does have a lid on, but he's quick when he wants to be).

However, I remember on one occasion I had a container of bloodworms thawing in some warm tapwater next to his tank. I took the lid off to feed and in about 2 seconds he'd jumped out and landed exactly in this maybe 10x5cm container.

I thought he'd be stressed by the chlorine and difference in water temp, but instead he quickly snapped up as many bloodworms as possible before I could get him out.

Sadly, I have lost a few fish through jumping. My unimaculata female got out two nights ago and I found her in the morning. It looks like she hit the gladwrap hard enough to tear a corner and get out.

Then there was the sad case of my Betta persephone pair :byebye: that really crushed me.

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About a month ago I was cleaning out the Guppies and one yellow snakeskin male lauched out of the container I had put him in on the table, he didnt have time to hit the floor as our black english staffy snapped him up in mid flight in fact he wouldnt have reached the table top she sprang so fast. Maby I shouldnt feed her pilchards



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