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my new 2ft setup


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I know I'm not Matt, but I have grown Java Fern, Bolbitis, Water Sprite, Wisteria, Vallisneria and various stem plants without CO2 and they all do well.

I do have very 'high light' over my tanks and I have to fertilise accordingly. However, my java fern and bolbitis grow in really low light, and look attractive when tied down to a piece of wood like yours.

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i dont have any ial's at the moment until i go to someone's as we had to use the last one the other day when the mr 2yr put all the bbs in to the grow out tank and i had to do a whole clean out. but will get some. im going to let it cycle for about 2 weeks . what can i put in with them as bottom feeders?

Edited by 2littlerevheads
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thought i would do a little update:) i got my male and female Channoides off paul on tuesday at the brissy meeting. i have put him in the 2ft tank as he has a mouth full and need to fatten up and my girl is in the back of the barracks. i went to go and take a photo of him but as soon as the phone comes out to take a pic he goes and hides. but here is a update pic of my 2ft


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