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How old is your oldest Betta?


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I have a Cambodian comb tail male from this spawn coming up to his 3rd birthday next month....

He's been living in a compartment of my moss tank for the last year - feeding on baby cherry red shrimp and the occasional pellets - he doesn't swim very much - finds the moss a nice bed to lay on at times.... the last of his 202 brothers and sisters.....

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I had a chocolate VT who reached 5 and a half years of age.

He went blind, and starved to death. Tried live food, vibrations, everything. What did seem to work was put food on the water surface as he came up - he would then gulp frantically eating as much as possible.

His name was Chips (also had a red VT named Fish... Fish & Chips. Fish was about 3 or 4 yrs).

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remarkable fish Sarah and congratulations on looking after them so well.....

2 - 3 years is the normal lifespan of a splendens but I read about one that was kept at a uni in the USA that was supposed to have lived for 10 years... a rarity though....

Has anyone else got fish from spawn date to a good age? We read about life expectancy for people, fish, etc... but given how we are supposedly looking after our fish better than we did 20 years ago - it would be interesting to get a few more responses to see if Bettas are living longer in general ....

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