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Stocking suggestions for a 34lt tank


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Endlers! Better than guppies as they dont try to eat there fry, bettas would be good fry control, someone had some nice pink endlers the other day ;)

Oh and often Bettas will Atack guppies because of their long colourful tails so if you go for guppies get a short tail strain, even my flamenco dancer females were shredded :(

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Ooh I assumed when you said you want more than one betta you ment you want more than one betta :P

What about endlers and shrimp then? Match made in heaven :D

Or what about some endlers, shrimp and a pair of borelli apisto? They are small and suit small tanks.

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You just need to ensure you pick a small species, such as Borelli.

If you plant the stuffing out of it and use lots of moss and get the cherry population pumping before you add the apistos then they will be able to breed faster than they are eaten.

Edited by Matt_95
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Get the pink ones someone has! I will buy your fry or swap for orange :) There arn't many options for apistos for a tank this size, I think even the smaller species need 30cm2 for his territory and then 15cm2 for each female from memory. What about a pair of honey gouramis?

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Thought you told me i'd need a 2ft tank for any wild pairs (or did I get the wrong end of the stick?). Was talking to Paul earlier and mentioned I'd like a pair of wilds in it, but it would be too small.

Any rubra on the AI list at the moment ???? :D

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We keep our Apistos in 20lt litre tanks at work. They seem happy and horny enough. I still wouldn't put them with shrimp though, lol.

I was going to suggest honey gouramis but they are quite active little things and I don't think that size tank is fair for more than one.

If you're going with Apistos stick with fish that will stick to mostly the top levels as once Apistos go into breeding mode anything on the bottom/mid section is going to get harassed and chased away.

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Just pushing the wild cause :) You could upgrade the tank to a larger size and get a pair of macs or something else! lol.....

I suggested rubra because I like them.. selfish I know.....

BTW.... I have endlers and shrimp in a 100 litre tank and they get on fine together (not an over supply of baby shrimp though)

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I'd like nothing more than a pair of macs. Just a little out of my price range though...

Only got this new tank because it was a freebie... I did say a while ago, no more tanks *lol*

I guess a tiny pair of mouthbrooders would be happy enough in there :)

I guess a tiny pair of mouthbrooders would be happy enough in there :)

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