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Don't put your hands in here

Wild Nut

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Here’s some updated shot of my sorority tank. The females are so much more interesting to watch than the males. They swarm over each other as soon as they see me coming with the food, and the other day one latched onto my elbow and wouldn’t let go while I was cleaning their tank :lol:

They sure do have sharp little teeth. It was like a cartoon. Here I was shaking my arm trying to get this bloody fish off.

Their tank set-up isn’t anything spectacular. It’s a BBA farm, but it always looks green and healthy, and it provides lots of hiding places for my females. There are five of them in there, though only a couple of them really like posing for photos. Once I get my barracks going they will be moving out into a 40 litre tank.

Anyways, enjoy.






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I think that's a combination of my completely inappropriate lighting and very liberal dosing of fertilisers *lol* .

I pulled the milfoil out a couple of weeks back when it was inundated with BBA and some of them were at least a metre long... Now if only I could stop killing houseplants.

I would love to have another sorority as they are a lot of fun. Unfortunately (well fortunately for my wallet) I can't find the colour and type of females I want in there.

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I'm actually breeding my blue/green marble male from someone in the hope of getting some nice HM/HMPK females. Just need to convince my mum that expanding my current collection is a good plan. Haha Neffy saw my fish/bedroom the other day. I really need to build my two barracks and move my goldfish into their 4 foot tank.

Somehow my two 70 litre tubs downstairs have gone unnoticed. I think I could slip in a couple more without being noticed. Guppies..what guppies?

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Nice looking greenery, and of course fish!

I've had the nibble on the arm while cleaning out the sorority. They are sharp little teeth, but really they can't do much damage I'm sure (hope)!

BTW... that blue marble that is the camera hog looks alot like a PK boy. Keep an eye on that one! I think he may be disguising himself to get into the girls' dorm.

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Yeah I've had suspicions about that one since 'her' ventrals grew out and eggspot became less prominent. I've had about three supposed females turn out to be plakat males so I have a good track record going on :lol:

He/she gets to stay in the sorority until something happens as he/she is fairly mellow. The black female is the boss of that tank and keeps everyone well under her fin.

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