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feeding how offten


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My adult fish get fed once per day.... usually a choice between FD black worms, HBH pellets, frozen or live bloodworm, whiteworms, etc.... if I'm short on time its the dry foods and if I have time its the live foods.... they will try to eat everything that drops into their tank so be careful they are not over fed ... giving them a little more of the quality foods before putting them in a spawning tank is fine though....

If I'm away for work for a few days then the fish go without till I get home....

Growing fry get smaller amounts but twice a day usually (before and after work)...

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You only feed fry twice a day??

yep... their fins are too small to work the siphon on the brine shrimp hatchery while I'm at work *lol*

actually 6 times a day in small amounts isn't really a waste of time ... its far better than 2 larger meals a day.

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Thanks. Sadly, the father died too.. seemed super depressed when I separated him from the fry. First try, pair from someone.

The good news is, I now know what to expect with spawns, and am extra careful with heaters.

Thank you Wayne. :)

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My boys get fed once a day. I feed them 3-4 small pellets and a couple of FD blackworms each per feeding. Possibly a tinsy bit much. Oh but they look so dissapointed otherwise! :blush: Have been intending to hunt down some live foods to alternate their diet with soon. Am worried they may not eat it though as currently they only eat out of my hand or food floats away in the current <_<:lol:

Am interested in this fasting thing. Why fast them?

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Fishish... asking if a Betta will eat live food is like asking if the Pope is catholic.... resounding YES.... mozzie wrigglers, worms, brine shrimp.... the moment they see it they turn into a great white shark and hunt down whatever is moving..... mine get live white worm treats a couple of times a week....

Try black worms or grindal worms or white worms - all fairly easy to culture.....

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