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Government is going to ban importation of fish


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I just wanted to let everyone know l posted a photo on the facebook page and its a poster of the fish the government wants to ban from importation it includes bettas, discus , all cichlids, paradise fish, guppies, mollies and platys...l saw the poster at Blackburn Aquarium in Melbourne and they kindly allowed me to take a photo on my mobile phone. You should be able to read most of the poster if you click on the pic.I put it on facebook because l couldnt get the upload to work on AusAqua.

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WHAT!?!?!?! :((

They can't do that! Well, I guess they could, but they shouldn't!!! :rant::protest:

Is there ANYTHING we could do???

Does that mean we can't get fish in aquariums that are imported (most of the fish are), can't buy them and ship them, so if my Bettas die (and all my other fish), I must breed my own, or find someone in Australia (not that is is bad, but still), or TOUGH LUCK!?!?! :byebye:

Lets start a protest! :protest: :protest:

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As far as l can tell its a completly new thing ...they want to ban complete importation of fish form overseas ...and l feel for jodie if it happens it would not be good for her................Maybe michael or someone else can save the pic of the poster from facebook and submitt it here ..l couldnt get it to work

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Government is going to ban importation of fish


What they want to stop is importation of fish they are carrying a virus.....iridovirus

Options will be to....

1 source fish from overseas where this virus is not a problem.....or

2 test fish when they get here

Problem with option 2 is proposed testing means destruction of a large number of fish....which makes option 2 unviable unless you are talking about high numbers of cheap fish

Given this is more than likely not going to be stopped....these in my opinion are the best solutions

1 Wholesalers source fish from clean exporters

2 Testing is modified to either significantly reduce number of fish destroyed in the process or by non destructive means....fin clippings/body scrapings

This legislation will effect bettas,gouramies,guppies and cichlids

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Maybe michael or someone else can save the pic of the poster from facebook and submitt it here ..l couldnt get it to work

Ahahahah! Tag Mike - you're it!! :) :)

On a more serious note, Lisa, thank you for posting this. Michael has now posted your photo here

I will close this thread - no offence, it will just be better to have all posts on one topic in the one place.


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