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VT Giant?

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Hello Everyone,

I noticed that my VT females and male are much larger than the HM females and male that i currently have, i have spoken to one other girl and its the same in her case. Is this normal? Are all VT's larger than other tail types?


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I think that they could just be older, as most LFS stock is not exactly young stock. and I've also noticed that yes, VT's do tend to be a bit larger in size. but I guess this also comes down to not so much select breeding (like how feral cats seem larger than normal cats)

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@ Robbies Betta - the hm guy i have is at least 9 months old and he is tiny in comparison to the VT male i have and i just got 2 hm females which are also alot smaller than my vt females - and i know one of those is at least 4 months old

@ delyall - maybe it is the breeding i will have to see when my other males come in how their size compares

I do love the big robust look of my VT!

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