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Fish in a can!

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Ok so there really isnt a fish in a can..although..

i went into a lps the other day and there was a girl inquiring as to whether she could keep bettas in a specific tank they had on their sheves.. i thought this tank was ridiculous! it was a rectangle plastic tank which was probly about 1-1.5L MAX in total and it was sectioned off in triangles with more plastic labelled "keep 3 betta" no joke they would have had no wider than the width of a mug in the widest part and probly the same about of water as a mug could hold. i did try talking about how much happier mine was in the 2.5ish bowl he is in now compared to the small jar the shop i got him off had him.. i soon realised i wasnt going to get anywhere - the "all knowing" pet shop girl started telling me about how hers is in probly 1L and is so active and loves it and how they like small areas cause it is how they live in the wild..

that girl probly bought that tank - and the bettas :)

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Oh wow really???? :)

I have noticed in my LPS they are much the same i had a guy try and tell me if i kept them in the 2ft tank i have them in now ( sectioned off of course ) they would be miserable as they live in puddles and dont like alot of water and its a waste of space and that i should use it for " real fish".......... i quickly left and have never returned!

I have never been a fan of those small cramped tanks ................... they look claustrophobic.......

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Those small tanks are just heartbreaking :) I was talking to a nice lfs worker, and she thought that they were horrible, but that it was like their natural environment... I just couldnt get her to understand the difference between 'tiny mud puddle' and 'rice paddy field' ... I just dont understand why so many lfs workers/owners dont care enough for their bettas and hand out such horrible advice to new betta owners :) ... at least I did make her aware that males and females shouldnt be kept together.. *sigh*

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Yan - That for a photo tank would totally work! I have alot of trouble taking photos of my guys and i still havent managed to get some good ones yet to share of my new guys!

I think some people are just purely unaware that bettas do need more room etc again i think LPS should be giving out more infomation to anyone wanting to purchuse bettas and them also be aware of a bettas needs!

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ooh l've been in stores and seen that so many times and stuck my nose into the conversation and corrected everything l've heard the store keeper say and embrassed them ...........l've even done it loudly in pets paradise as well and l once told a girl to stop sprouting her verbal garbage at me as she has no idea what shes talking bout

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It's a losing battle with the LFS. I generally don't patronise shops that don't have knowledgeable staff. If they don't know about how best to care for bettas they generally don't know much about anything. So they're pretty useless to get any kind of advice from. Thankfully not all shops are like that though.

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@ kristaml24 - yes i saw it when i went in the store (to buy food) i just kinda assumed nobody would get them :/

@ Kandee - i started talking to the counter girl maybe a little louder than usual but i guess unless i started yelling the girl looking to buy a tank/container was more interested in the customer service girl telling how cool it is you can have 3 all together...

@ Yan - it looks like a simplelittle tank(i also have trouble getting good pics of my little guy as he is in a round bowl and always swimming around! :P - do you think it would reflect though with the flash more or less than glass?

@ delyall - i think some people will just never get it! i think the pet/fish shop owners and managers really need to be more actively intrested in the health of the animals they are selling and better train their employess. the girl i spoke too also used the "they live in puddles in the wild" :)

@ lyrical - would you believe the store i was at was also a "pets paradise" ugh some paradise :)

@ Bettarazzi - yeh i think i need to find a really good one close by! i have had a few suggestions so i will see how i go :D

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do you think it would reflect though with the flash more or less than glass?

I have a plastic-y square tank I bought recently to betta take photos of my fish, they work much much better in my opinion :) The colours come out nicer and there is less glare :)

I find most of the big-name lfs's dont care so much, as they sort of dont have the 'quality control' or knowledgable/caring staff of a smaller business.. from my experience the small business lfs's are the most helpful and caring :)

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@ Yan - my fish does seem to mind the flash at all if they moved away or hid i wouldn't do it - i do love how the flash shows of the irridescence in my VT male he appears a beautiful turquoise under the flash - it is seen in natural lighting but not so strongly :)

Also a question for everyone - if you were going to move your betta from its usual home to a "photo" tank tempererily (i totally just forgot how to spell that!) how would you move him her? net? hand? cup?

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For me it would depend on the size of the photo tank. I'd prefer to use a cup, but if it wouldn't fit in with room for my hand and space for the fish to swim out I'd just scoop the fish up with my hand. I don't like doing that though as I'm paranoid they'll jump.

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