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plant sugestions

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hi all

im after some advice on some easy to find and care for plants for my tank its looking a little empty

tank does not need to look overly pretty as it is a grow out tank but it dose need something

the tank is located near window and gets morning sun and if a door left open afternoon as well

i dont have a good light on this tank but it is one the list as is a lot of things :lol:

occupants are BN fry from three spawns that range from a month to 1 week olds and two boys a HM and PK

( that got moved when we had some cold wether )


i like the log with the plants in front but think it needs some thing behind it that runs towords the other side :lookaround:


any sugestions welcome

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My personal list of favourite/relatively easy plants; Java fern, Java moss, Banana lily, Hornwort, Anubias nana, Ambulia, Green Rotala and Pennywort.

Some of these need more lighting than others, others will pretty much grow in the dark.

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I'd go with mosses, anubias or java ferns - all require low light - generally won't be eaten by fish - and they're pretty easy to grow..... there are many types of anubias which can be grown on wood or rocks giving you different heights and leaf sizes to work with. The java fern has the crested and the normal variety which can also look good.

Stem plants only need trimming all the time and need better light conditions etc...

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I have a question about java fern, I have researched some say just the light from the normal room light is enough, well some say I need extra light for my java fern. I keep my java fern floating in a 5L tank with my male bettas and they're not doing growing. Could that because they're slow growers to begin with or that I'm not providing enough things for them to grow?

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I have some in my fishroom that grows without any illumination apart from what comes into the room from the window, and some that doesn't do much of anything in the same room, very next tank! I think it's just finnicky. Could be a pH issue but I don't test pH.

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I use a single power-glo tube 18in 15w, 10 hours a day, no fertilizers or CO2. Grows well in my 18 inch tank but not too quickly in my 2ft tank (24in 20w) with the same brand tube. Everything grows well in the 18in, but I do believe I need a second tube on my 2ft tank as my rotala is growing funny. :lol:

I've also got a spare 2ft light over one of my small (10lt or so) tanks, an 18w Aqua Sky tube, it only gets about 6-8 hours. My java fern is going nuts in there too and I've only had the light on it for a week.


ETA - Link to the site I order the Power-Glo tubes from. Some more info on there and customer reviews. :D

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