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Pleasant surprise this morning.


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Today started really well for me and only got better! While I was feeding the fish this morning about 6am I discovered that my albino Cory's have successfully spawned in the 4' community tank. I know it was successful because I have fry swimming in the tank! Never saw the eggs, I don't even know where they laid them :Drunk_Buddies2: Then to top the day off my CT's spawned at lunch time. Small nest but there are lots of eggs in there - only I wasn't home to watch it :D Never mind ! The parents suffered no injuries and hopefully I will have happy, healthy babies - bettas and cory's

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Thanks Mouse. It was a really pleasant surprise. I have been having a lot of water quality problems from the tap, ammonia, nitrite and phosphates and I have found out that we also have arsenic and cyanide in it as well (in extremely low levels, but there none the less). Then my canister filter packed it in so I have been having a bad run of fin rot and bacterial infections in the bettas, so the cory's have been somewhat neglected of late. The thermostat on their heater stuck and the tank heated to 34 so I turned it off and left them at room temp, though my house hasn't dropped below 24 all winter. (We've had a hard time sleeping but the fish have been comfortable :D ). I haven't even done any water changes just been topping the tank, I have hornwort covering the top 2/3 of the tank so it is probably keeping the nitrates down. Something must be right though - don't know what :Drunk_Buddies2: When I get my fishroom set up I intend to try breeding them - and get a full nights sleep.

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Neglect is always the way to get fish to breed isn't it :drool: Pfft Murphy's law. Oh Oh you so need a RO unit, with all that crap in the water. You can buy them sooo much cheaper off ebay. How are the fry going?

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As of this afternoon, really well! The Cory fry are really active though there does not seem to be a lot of them. I have counted 6 but they move so fast and the tank has a lot of hiding places, that there could be more (or less for that matter) You never seem to see them together. The betta fry are doing Ok too. Counted 5 that I could see this afternoon, though there were 6 there yesterday - I saw all of them together :D but there is a lot of riccia floating so there could be some hiding in there today. I have bought a deionizer and I am currently building my own canister filter out of a 20ltr bucket to put on the treatment sump so hopefully that will help with the water issues somewhat. Fingers crossed.

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