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Fin Nipping issues

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Hi guys,

I have a few betta males in the segmented tank you can get with a pretty decent sump at the back.....

Now, the issue is this....some of my boys for some reason look like they've been at each others tails, but the gap is only 2 mills.

Should I rehouse them?, how long before the fins will grow back generally?

Any suggestions?

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What else is in the tank? Fully flared fins can rip easily if snagged and if they can see each other they could be flaring a lot.

2mm is enough space for a fin to slip through, but I'd look for other possibilities first unless you've seen it happening.

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What else is in the tank? Fully flared fins can rip easily if snagged and if they can see each other they could be flaring a lot.

2mm is enough space for a fin to slip through, but I'd look for other possibilities first unless you've seen it happening.

actually, I think you just hit the nail on the head there.

They are directly in each others sights all the time....

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Yeah, they might benefit from a rest :confused: Eventually they'll get sick of the sight of each other and realise they aren't a threat, but that tends to stop flaring and that can lead to collapsed fins and general boredom.

Do the dividers slot in and out?

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Yeah, they might benefit from a rest :confused: Eventually they'll get sick of the sight of each other and realise they aren't a threat, but that tends to stop flaring and that can lead to collapsed fins and general boredom.

Do the dividers slot in and out?

yes they do :censor:

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