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Betta's In Camperdown, Vic.


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Howdy all - just joined here and letting people know what kinds of Betta's we have down here

Crowntails, combtail, delta and super deltas and couple of half moons as well as a HM plakat or 3

now up to bout 35 adults and 50 or so white platinum babies


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Hey there Jo - they are long tail white platinums which I bought from Ninoid in Melbourne - she had imported them from banleang betta's in Thailand and have no sign of any pink or red tinges in them at all -t hey are pure white - also just got a pair of blue parrots ( also long fin HM) this last weekend - and now bred the white platinums with some HMPK pandas to try and get some long finned Pandas.

The white Platinum babies were born 4th Jan - and seem to be growing along nicely.

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