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Old Tank Under The House


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it used to be the tank where we stuck the bio media for the old marine tank so it's only about 40L and there's another one which is 28L both covered in salt, so if you could suggest a brackish water fish or a good nano set-up that would be suitable for the tanks that would be good.


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A vinegar solution, I use half white vinegar and half water, could help restore your tanks. I soak paper towel in it and leave it on the really crusty bits for a while, then it can be wiped off. On the other hand I love bumble bee goby's!

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i've never bought live fish before. i'm not really sure it's a safe way to get them...

edit: i've cleaned out the old filter and it's looking good and i calculated that the tank is 45L but one of the sides is broken (not really broken the glue just wore of on one side) so could you pleeaase tell me what glues are not toxic to fish i can glue the sides back togethter.

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you can google green spotted puffer fish if you want to know more about them/see pictures.

Many of us have had live fish sent by courier (and many of us have also sent them that way). That is how they get to the LFS in the first place. People here have bought from livefish.com.au, but I haven't so can't comment further on that particular supplier. I was just suggesting options that you might want to investigate further.

Anyway- sounds like you're really just after gobies, so perhaps you'd best stick with that.

It's not glue btw, it's silicone. Go to Bunnings and check the labels on the silicone for the one that is safe for aquariums.

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There is a silicone especially for aquariums. Read the backs, one of the packs says "safe for aquarium use" or something similar. I think it is the blue packet, but don't hold me to that *lol*

Do you actually want brackish specifically or are you just worried about the salt in the tanks? Tanks can easily be cleaned to allow fresh-to-salt or salt-to-fresh, so that shouldn't be a deciding factor.

I think you'll have a lot of difficulty finding green spotted puffers. I do not think they are illegal, but they are certainly not a commonly available fish and I don't think they are on the allowable import list. Still, I'm sure there will be someone with them somewhere. Do make sure you check the legalities first though. ;)

It is a bit unfortunate most of our native mudskippers grow large, because they'd be quite fascinating!

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i've had my eyes on bumblebee gobys for a long time now, and any way i'd have to get the dwarf green spotted puffers and there even more rare!

i've calculated that the tank is actually 45L , do you think that would be okay for 4-5 fish?

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