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Bye-bye Ollie


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Ollie the Oscar has gone to a new home.

He was never the same after his near-death experience when the filter shorted out in his tank, and he gradually became blind. His vision was so poor that he had trouble catching live food, so that one of his tasty snacks (a blue crayfish) escaped into the rocks and lurked there, unnoticed, until she became quite a respectable size.

Older meant bolder, leading to a tussle with Ollie that cost her a claw. However, she gradually started taking her revenge, popping out from the rocks to nip at Ollie's tail when his head was turned. Ollie started to look distinctly -- er, moth-eaten.

This week, we had to make arrangements to transfer Ollie and the cray out of the 4-footer (which has to be moved so we can lay new carpet to replace the old one that got wrecked when the downstairs got flooded last November). Anyway, Cecy's boyfriend managed to break the only other large tank we had, which was to be Ollie's temporary home (I TOLD him it was very heavy!)

So, there was no alternative but to re-home Ollie. He has gone to a friend of my daughter's, where he is settling in well, being pampered and hopefully growing back his tattered fins. The crayfish (christened Grunt Scuttlebutt) now has a tank all to herself, and has been adopted by my daughter.

I didn't actually set out to keep a crayfish, and don;t know much about them, so any hints would be appreciated! :(

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My husband kept yabbies for years. They will eat almost anything, including driftwood, plants, fish and other yabbies. Keep the water clean and tight lids on the tank, we had several decide to 'migrate' to other areas of the house, they can survive a surprising amount of time out of water.

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