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Feeding prawns to a Tiger Oscar


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I was wandering past the seafood section in Coles tonight and saw some raw, peeled prawns on sale and thought my tiger oscar Logan might like them. Now I'm wondering if I should cook them for him or just feed bits to him raw? I already gave him a little piece raw and he seemed to love it and is still swimming around and not dead so I suppose that's a good indication that it's ok for him. Is feeding him raw prawn ok?

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:lol: You have to cook the prawns. That's what the Oscar mothers do in the wild to feed their young. They flop out of the water, set up their little fry pans and saute the prawns in olive oil with a bit of garlic. Serve on a white plate and garnish with a bit of chopped parsley. :lol:

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I have pellets here for him but they're really small. The kind he needed when he was small coz they were the largest that would fit in his mouth so I end up having to feed him like 2 dozen of these tiny pellets for him to be even close to satisfied. I've now cut up a few of the prawns into bite sized chunks (I gave him a larger piece earlier and it seemed to get a little 'stuck') and frozen them so they don't go bad and that way I can just take it out and defrost it as I need it like I do with frozen BS and Bloodworm. He seemed to really like the prawn though, seemed all excited and coming back for more. Never seen him so excited over food before. I really do spoil him don't I?! He's like a cat for me seeing as I can't have one. Just gotta teach him to let me pat him and I'll be stoked. At the moment if you put your hand or finger anywhere near the water he nips at you coz my son taught him to nip his finger buy giving him food directly afterwards. Makes feeding him by hand easier but I don't want him nipping me even when I don't have food! I even put him on webcam for people to watch (eg Brett and Stacey) and they like 'Logan feed-cam' which entails him eating any manner of things from pellets to live feeder shrimp, crays or fish. And occasionally my son Kaleb will stick his finger in there and let Logan nip it for the cam :lol:

I'm so proud of him. Logan I mean....but I'm proud of Kaleb too for different reasons lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ohhhhh! How come everyone elses oscar eats whatever they put in there? Mine is so busy threatening me, he won't eat half the time! He's scared of blood worms and doesn't like squid - I bought that damn squid cap just for him, got icky squid disgustingness on my hands cutting it up in to bits for him, and would he try it? NOOOOO!

Pfft, all the other oscars eat fruit and prawns and squid and THEIR PELLETS!!

Honestly though, don't waste money on prawns for your oscar, eat them yourself...

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Hahaha, I end up getting about $1.70 worth of the peeled raw prawns and half the time it's too much for him so I end up frying them in a little olive oil and garlic! I cut bits up and freeze it for him though and defrost them when needed. Squid is an idea though, never thought to feed him squid..might get him some this week. What kind of fruit would a Tiger Oscar eat?? Grapes? lol

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I've heard oscars love squid! But mine doesn't. My silver dollars eat more variety than Buzz, and they're supposed to be vegetarian... sure, they lurve blood worm!

I've heard they also eat zucchini, grapes, orange/mandarine and apple. You just have to only give a little bit at a time because the fruit really messes the water up. I'd feed them that right before a water change.

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