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which ones are keepers


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My Moscow Blue boys are starting to show their colours and body types so over the next few weeks Ill be deciding which to keep and which to send of to LFS.

I have 2 questions please!

1.I have 2 very definite body shapes one is a longer more slender body , a more streamlined shape ( like father ) and the other is more compact and slightly stockier and appears to have wider and more triangular tails.

I dont know about conformation but I do like the stockier boys.

2. I have various shades of blue in both types from a light metallic blue , patchy blue , blue body only and an almost black , thers is also one which is looking more and more green every day and the throw backs which may be Magenta Moscow ( according to a HK forumer ).

Which of these traits am I looking for in order to establish my own MB strain and if I keep the green boy and breed from him will (if it happens ) any green fry be Moscow Green or is that another strain again.

I have been reading up on genetics in Guppies but at the moment its just Blah blah blah. Thanx for any help.

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Thanks Faewyn ,I think Ive been giving them good flake and they also get spirulina flake , krill and spectrum grow which claims to bring out the colour in fish plus they get bloodworms and still like the odd feed of microworms.

Im just going to have to be patient I guess ( not one of my virtues ). Still confused about the body type though.

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I'm not certain, though I suspect that, given equal tails and colours, I'd keep the stocky ones for breeding. Long and thin might not hold up well down the line. The ones I got were nice and compact in comparison to the pet shop fish I was used to seeing.

JL has the standard, I think a few others bought it also. Perhaps there is something in there?

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