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Discus laying eggs


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Wow what a surprise! Last night when I got home from work my discus pair where in the process of spawning! The poor things - I grapped the camera and filmed the process, how embarrassing for them :lol:

Anyway here is the best of the videos


They appear to be better guardians of their eggs than the Rams I have! Hopefully they will make it to fry!

This is so exciting considering I have only had them for 6 - 8 weeks!!

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The fry swim really close to the parents and feed off their slime coat Brett, if they get passed the egg stage. It took me quite by surprise that they spawned, I was not expecting this to happen at all being in a new environment. I'll have to do some research at the weekend how to handle the imminence of fry. I think I'll have to take the rainbows out of the tank, not sure about the rams?? The female is guiding the eggs closely - won't even leave at feed time!

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