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Female Crowntail


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I was wondering if you could tell me if it is normal for a female to have a big lump just in front of her white oviduct spot.

Here is the link to my album


My girl is called Bubbles, if it makes it easier I can post them in the forum. Let me know.

Sorry if I have put this in the wrong section. :o



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Yeah... I'm not too sure as well but I think I over feed her before the comp, I was pushing her too hard b4 the comp :fish: Her belly doesn't look as big as before after a stressful trip to queensland and back to melb.. I might have to open her belly to find out the truth one day .. J/K :o charlie, maybe you could try not to feed her for few days see if she still like that?

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Thanks for the quick response's. I have bred her a few time's lost the first lot of fry but currently have some a week old .

The lump gets a little bit smaller but not much after she has spawned but the next day its back to the size you see in the pics.

Bubbles get's fed twice a day she gets frozen food in morning either bloodworms, frozen Brine Shrimp or Daphina and in the afternoon a few Betta pellets.

I didnt notice it when I first bought her but then I was excited at finding a crowntail female.

I'm concerned it could be a growth but then she seems to be very happy and greets me whenever I pass her tank.

Thanks again


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