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Terracotta pots in tank

Tanty Mouse

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I purchased a few terracotta pots today at Bunnings to place in my betta tanks.

The pots have a small drain hole on the bottom and I'm a bit worried that if I don't block this up one of my bettas will get their little heads stuck in this.

Does anyone know what I should use to block this hole up?

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I don't know about the sticky tape. It'd probably come unstuck fairly quickly once it'd been sitting in water for a while. And is the glue on sticky tape even safe for fish?

Making the hole bigger is worth doing because it's nice to have a backdoor escape route. But how would you make that hole bigger without cracking the whole pot?

If you plug with silicone, you'll have to wait till it's properly cured before using it in the tank. It will say on the tube. You probably already know this but make sure you get Aquarium Silicone. There are many varieties. The one that is safe for aquarium use specifically states this on the packaging.

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true, i suppose you'd have to drill some small holes around the area which you want off, then break with a chisel of some kind, then sand/file it down so the fish dont rip them selves in half when they exit.

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