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male? female?


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Ok i thought this was a little boy =_= i was a bit worried that he never flared at anything (even the mirror) and never made a bubble nest, but i thought he was just a bit young and shy. until i put him in the photo tank today to get some pics. i dunno if it's a boy or a girl anymore! any guesses people??

these are the shots i got today in the photo tank:




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long fins for a female i think... im no expert, but id put my money on male.

but then again, i think i can kinda see the ovary thing.

nice colouring though!!! could that be "barring up" to another male?

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if it was a female i'd say she was barring up cause she thought she'd seen a male....but like you said, the fins are too long for a female >.< i'm so confused about it, i've never had trouble spotting a female before :)

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I think barring can just be sign of stress. Females can have pretty long fins these days. You could try keeping it out of sight of other fish for a little while, feed with live foods, warm water, and then put it in a chimney in another male's tank. Humans might have trouble differentiating between males and females but I think the bettas pretty much know who's who. The reaction from the other male might give you a better indication what gender this one is. Maybe. Maybe not.

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what is IMO i been wondering.. i bet its the most obvious thing in the world and i already knew it, but still i need to ask lol.

Thats a pretty good idea, im taking my money off this bet... till i know for sure what it is lol... im still going for male at the moment, have you tried putting it into a female community tank to see what it does?

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i thought horizontal stripes were stress stripes and vertical ones were breeding stripes? and it's already being kept on it's own (can't see any other fish in the barracks) and being fed live and frozen foods :)

lilli, have you ever seen a male behave like that before?? i don't want to either toss it into the community tank or spawning tank until i'm 100% sure about it's sex >.<

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If you were to put him/her in a chimney, it might indicate more of its sex e.g, tummy full of eggs, very obviouse barring. Or if it were to be a male, alot of agression (obviously lol)

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Lisa, do you remember that pair of golds that that Mango4Jade bought from Edie ages ago? That female really did have male finnage. Oh yes, found the link! http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=263

And there are/were several females I've come across online that had really long HM fins that could easily be mistaken for males'.

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