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Mango's Pond Inspection


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A few days ago, I did a Pond Inspection of Lars & Rosaline from Allcare Ponds in Sydney. I was actually going to pickup a book called "Koi 2 Kichi" and both Lars and Rosaline showed me around their ponds and explained the functionality of the filtration etc. We had a nice long talk about their pond and their show quality fish. Their collection of Ponds consists of a Goldfish Pond, a Fry Koi Pond (for breeding and fry growouts), and 2 main show ponds. All their fish in the main ponds consists mainly on the Gosanke Varieties (Kohaku, Sanke and Showa). I couldnt resist taking some photos to show with other fish fanatics. 2 special koi in their ponds...the Grand Champion and Reserver Champions of the 2006 Australian Koi Association Large Koi Show! The most outstanding part of their pond is the filtration, one cannot find their filtration until closer inspection! They were all underground! I was actually standing on top of their filtration units while taking the photos. Very amazing collection indeed! Especially when they built it all themselves!

One of their show ponds with a glass window!

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Their other show pond! The one that houses the special Show Fish!

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Some of their lovely Gosanke Varieties

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More to come...

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