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Spunky - Yabbie moult photographs


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Spunky is a 7 year old Red Claw Crayfish, from up north.

I bought her for $2 as a feeder about 6 years ago. She coloured up a lot since then, and grew back a few legs ;)

she has been in berry (had eggs under her tail) 3 times so far, but as I have no male, they were not fertilied.

so, here are the piccies ;)

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And here is what she looked like as a baby ;) well, a teenager in cray years I guess?

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And with her 3rd brood of eggies ;)

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About 9 years old I think. The oldest one I had was 8, but he was a different species. And technically it was my brothers, he caught it in a big fake pond that fisheries set up ;) they did that at a lot of shows about 10 years ago, it was a big thing.

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To be honest, she is as easy-care as they come. I'm lax on the water changes and I throw in an algae wafer, or something meaty occasionally, and she just redecorates her house. I have a Fluval 2+ on her tank atm, because she climbs up the intake and escapes. :thumbs: She grooms daily at about 7, using her smaller nippers to clean everything, including her eyeballs :D

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All the boys did it too, so i'd guess that they all do it. Have to stop the algae growing on your shell :notsure: Honestly, i'd recommend them to anyone, they are so easy and so interesting. Even non-fish people will ohhh and ahh over them :cheer:

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